Friday, 28 March 2014

Uniforms - Australia

This is my third post on uniforms out of five. I still have to write about uniforms in Pakistan, Burundi and the topic of this post, Australia. So the Australian Girl Guides is different to Ireland and the United States of America. In Australia they don't separate Girl Guides up by age group into specific groups like Ladybirds, Brownies and Guides in Ireland, they are all part of the same youth section. They still do have different options of uniform for different ages.

The Girls can either wear a blue and yellow polo-shirt of a blue and yellow v-neck t-shirt. They must wear a pair of navy pants, shorts or a skirt, depending on whats appropriate. They also have a sash to put their badges on to. This is the basic uniform for the Girl Guides in Australia.
The next type of uniform is for tween's. they have a chioce of a blue and orange polo-shirt or v-neck t-shirt. They also have to wear navy pants, shorts of a skirt. The final part of this uniform is a navy sash.

Teens can wear a navy and orange polo-shirt or v-neck, or a blue short sleeved shirt.

The youth uniform is a polar fleece that is navy and orange or else a hoodie that is also navy and orange. Then they have a pair of board shorts that are navy. The uniform also consists of a navy and blue shoulder bag and a navy spray jacket.

Image taken from:

The final uniform is for adults. It is made up of a spray jacket and a navy and blue polar fleece or hoodie. Then there is a polo-shirt or v-neck t-shirt that is navy and blue. They also have a badge tab. They can choose to wear a striped shirt that can be either short sleeve or long sleeved. the bottom half of the uniform can be either a pair of navy cargo pants or navy everyday stretch pants.

Image taken from:  

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Uniforms - The United Sates of America

As you would know from my previous post I am writing about the uniforms in five different countries. I have already written about the Guide uniforms in Ireland. As you can guess from the title this post will be about uniforms in the United States of America. The Guide uniform in America is very different from the uniform in Ireland. You start in Daisy's at the age of 5. For this age group the uniform consists of four parts, the first part is you have a vest or tunic, this is blue. Then you have to wear an official white polo-shirt. You also have a blue beanie and a pair of blue tracksuit bottoms or a blue skirt.
Image taken from: 
Then when you turn 7 you move up to the brownies. This uniform is very similar to the Daisy uniform. This uniform has a brown vest and blue shirt. You also have a brown sash to put all your badges on to. You also wear a brown skort and you have a brown beanie. The final piece of the uniform is a brownie tie.
Image taken from: 
At the age of 9 you become a Junior. The Junior uniform is the green version of the brownies uniform. This means that they have a green vest, sash, and skort. Then you have a white polo-shirt.
Image taken from: 
A Cadette is 11 to 14 years old. The Cadette uniform is made up of a sandy colour vest and sash. Also a white polo-shirt and a scarf. From a Cadette you move to a Senior. The Senior uniform is the exact same as the Cadette uniforms as is the next stage up. From a Senior you move to an ambassador.
Image taken from:
When you turn 18 you become a leader known as an adult volunteer/ member. These can be both men and women. They have a jacket and a scarf.
Image taken from:

* I research my information about the American uniforms on: *

Monday, 17 March 2014

Uniforms - Ireland

Over the next five posts I shall be writing about the different uniforms in different counties. I have chosen five countries to write about, they are The United States of America, Ireland, Australia, Pakistan and Burundi. I will be discussing the uniforms for all age groups in these countries from the moment you join till you become a leader. I have chosen to talk about Ireland first as I am a member of the Irish Girl Guides.

In Ireland when you are six years old you can join the ladybirds. These are the youngest members of the IGG (Irish Girl Guides) community. They have a red jumper which has the IGG logo on it. Then the also have a navy sash which they put all their badges on. Ladybirds have a navy neckerchief with a black woggle and a red polo shirt. They have to wear navy tracksuit bottoms and runners.
When you turn 7 you move up to being a brownie. The uniform for brownies is a bright yellow jumper with the IGG crest in light blue. Brownies also have to wear a yellow polo shirt. They have a navy sash, neckerchief and black woggle like the ladybirds. they also have to wear navy tracksuit bottoms with runners.
You become a guide when you turn 10 and half. The guide uniform has a blue jumper with a pink hood and a choice of either a blue top with pink sown the side or a pink top with blue down the side. Then you have a neckerchief with pink and blue Celtic knots on it. Then instead of a sash you have a bag which can be either pink or blue, this is to put your badges on. Then they have to wear either navy jeans or tracksuit with runners.
Once you turn 15 you become a senior branch member. The senior branch uniform is a navy jumper with a green hood. You then have a pink neckerchief. Senior branch have a navy top with green down the side and a pink or blue bag. You have to wear navy jeans or tracksuit and runners.
At 18 you become a full leader. The uniform for a full leader is purple. They have a choice of a purple fleece jumper or a navy zip fleece. Then they have a purple neckerchief with a black woggle. They also have a choice of a white long sleeved shirt or a purple top.
*I sourced my information at and *

Sunday, 9 March 2014

World Thinking Day - 22nd February 2014

World Thinking Day is the a day recognised by Girl Guides and Scouts around the World. It is the shared birthday of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell the founders of both Scouts and Girl Guides. On this day Girl Guides come together and raise money for different countries in need. Every year they have a main focus point and this year they were focusing on education. The main countries that were beginning focused on were Armenia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Benin and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

World Thinking Day homepage banner
This image was taken from

Girl Guides and Girl Scouts were first introduced in Armenia in 1996. In 2006 they had 1514 members. Each Country has a different promise but the basics of each promise are the same for each one. The Guide promise in Armenia is "I swear on my honour to be faithful to god and to serve my nation, my motherland, always help others and act as a responsible, courageous and generous person, to keep the Law of the girl guides and girl scouts."


In 1928 Girl Guides were introduced to Bangladesh, they are one of the founding members of WAGGGS(World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts). They had 52567 members in 2006. In Bangladesh the Brownies are called Yellowbirds. Brownies are aged from 6-10. The Bangladeshi promise for the Yellowbirds is "I promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my country to help other people everyday especially at home." The Guides promise is "On my honour I promise that I will Do my best to do my duty to God and my country. To help other people at all times. To obey the Guide Laws."


Egyptian Guides started inn 1913, in 2006 they had 44300 members. Ladybirds, who are the youngest guides are called Rainbows and are aged 5 to 7 years old. The Rainbows promise is "I love God... I am polite and I help people, my family and my friends." The Brownie promise is "I promise to do my best to preform my duty towards God and my dear country, to help people everyday especially my family." The Guide promise is " On my honour I promise to do my duty to God then my country, to help people in all circumstances, to obey the Guide Laws". 


The Peoples Republic of Benin introduced Guiding in 1954. There were 2000 members in 2006. Their Brownie promise is "I promise to do my bets to be faithful to God, my country, my parents and the Law of the pack and to do a good turn to someone everyday promise." The Girl guide promise is "On my honour with Gods help I  promise to do my best to serve God the church and my country. To help other people at all times, to obey the Guide laws."


In 1914 Girl Guides were introduced in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. When the census was taken in 2006 they had 1456 members. The Brownie promise in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is "I promise that I will do my best: To do my duty to God, To serve the Queen and my country, To help other people and, To keep the Brownie Guide Law." The Guide promise is "I promise that I will do my best, To do my duty to God, To serve the Queen and my country, To help other people and, To keep the Guide Law."

St Vincent and the Grenadines

*All maps are taken from*

**Information is based on the information found on **